What does history really consists of? Centuries of people quietly going about their daily business - sleeping, eating, having sex, endeavouring to get comfortable. And where did all these normal activities take place? At home. [Bill Bryson - At Home, a short history of private life]

venerdì 28 dicembre 2012

The Match Deadly Sin

The history of the match shows us the necessity of men to have the possibility to switch fire in any situation. The fire can simbolize in this case the Pride (Superbia) of having the property on the fire. The same property of the fire has created in the beginning of the story the Envy (Invidia) in the richest people due to the losing of the exclusivity of the fire.

The original significate of the fire passes through the Anger (Ira) and the Lust (Lussuria) of the hell.

Source: Archeologiasperimentale.it

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